
25 July 2010

Balik JB

dah lama tak balik jb.. rasa cam nak balik jb sgt2~~ dah rindu nak mkn mee rebus, otak2 and murtabak dpn masjid kg melayu.. rindu nak mkn satay pasar borong juga.. tp sekarang ni mcm dah susah nak balik jb.. bas kena amik kat bukit jalil.. bukan kat pudu lagi.. mmg laa dr umah aku ni dekat je bukit jalil tu (kalau naik teksi) tp, kalau dari um, nak balik ptg friday tu, mcm susah je.. unless aku keluar lab awal.. sbb kl ni mmg gila sket.. asal nama FRIDAY je.. mesti jln jemmed gile~~ dulu2 kalau amik bas kat pudu tu gagah lagi laa.. sbb apa2 pun naik lrt sure sampai punya.. tak de laa jauh sgt.. tp dah kat bukit jalil ni, naik lrt dari um, mau nak sampai 45 min baru la sampai bukit jalil.. ermmm :( nak naik teksi dgn jln jemmed, minta maaf laa~~ tak kuasa aku~ tp next week aku nak balik jugak!!!~~~~

06 July 2010

Life is all about separation


HI everyone~~ How r u, people?? Semoga semua dlm lingkungan hidup yg dirahmati Allah~ What I'm gonna share with u today is about "Life is all about separation". Actually, the idea is not come from me.. Its from my organic biochemistry lecturer  during my undergrad days. BUT I still want to share with u.. To me, it is interesting theory, though~~~

As a future scientist, we were thought with so many experimental design, how to opperate certain machines.. We learnt so many experimental designs that can separate protiens, enzymes, chemical compounds, genes.. To isolate pure proteins for instance, there are so many steps involved. So do other compounds.. If you want a pure compounds, then you should remove all those impurities. To isolate the specific proteins, you must know thier nature, then you know how to isolate that specific protein from other unwanted proteins.

IF you think back, what happend in the lab is actually applies in our reality life.. Let say, in this world, we have bad and good people.. BUT among all good people is also there's several different kind of good.. There will be the most good, more good, good, less good and the least good (just for perbandigan). So, how you separate between them?? The first phase of separation could be their dress code.. Then, the second phase could be thier attitude, taqwa.. so on and so forth...

Conclusion: I agree with the theory.. how about you????~~~

04 July 2010

Mat Salih dengan lagu merapu Cari Jodoh

Hi semua.. I want to share with you guys this vid.. 
Lawak gile..
Tiap2 pagi aku akan dgr sinar fm wif my cute little mp3.. As u know, aku travel by bus tiap2 pagi, so bila nak gelak tu, kena cover2 sket.. huhu~ Tergelak sorg2 dgr lawak2 diorg ni.. 

TRIO SINAR PAGI.. Kril, KE and SY.. tak bleh blah betul....



Es lebe unser heiliges Deutschland!!!!

Hoyeh hoyeh~~ German menang lawan Argentina!!!~
Penyumbang gol:- 

Thomas MUELLER (1)

Miroslav KLOSE (2)


02 July 2010

Kisah aku dan bas U72

Sepatutnya, "penantian itu satu penyiksaan".. tp aku tukar jd menuggu itu satu penyiksaan.. esp tunggu bas rapid KL U72.. Tak kira laa nak pegi UM ke.. atau nak balik dari UM.. seksaannya tu sama je.. Kalau hari tu benasib baik, tak sampai 5 min tunggu, hero pakcik bas dah tiba utk menjemput aku pergi/pulang.. time tu seronot laa kan... Tp kdg2 lambat 5 min pun boleh membuatkan aku lambat 1 jam!!~ ni mmg tak bleh tahan laa.. Ada skali (banyak kali gak laa) tu, aku turun je dari flat appartment aku nak menuju ke bus stop, bas pun berlalu meninggalkan aku.. dlm hati aku jerit.. "tunggu!!!~" (sambil tangan menggapai ke bas).. --> sila guna daya imaginasi anda. Tp setakat dlm hati je laa kan.. Sadis betul pagi2 tu kalau kena tinggal.. 

Kena laa tunggu bas seterusnya... Sepatutnya, bas akan ada setiap 15 min.. Tp, tau2 je laa kan diorg ni.. Tak tepati masa.. aku pun tak sure apa sebabnya.. May b jam kot nak sampai bus stop aku tu.. So, dari konon2 kena tunggu 15 min, aku kena tunggu nak dekat 45 min.. HAMPEH tul.. walhal kalo naik kete, p UM tu 15 min je.. Nak buat mcm mana, kena bersusah2 dulu b4 bersenang2.. bak kata pepatah.. "Berakit-rakit ke hulu, berenang-renang ketepian... Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian" Belum ada rezeki lagi utk memiliki kereta..